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The Story of Lake Toba Sumatra Indonesia

The Story of Lake Toba Sumatra Indonesia. In Sumatra lived a very hard-working farmer. He lived alone lonely. Every day he worked on fishing with the lading and tirelessly. This was done to meet the needs of everyday life.

One day the farmer went to the river near where he lived, he intended to fish for lauknya today. With only a hook, bait and fishing spots, he went straight to the river. Once when he got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the hook. While waiting for the hook edible fish, the farmers prayed, "O Allah, I hope I can be a lot of fish today". Some time after the prayer, which threw the hook was seen rocking back and forth. He immediately pulled the hook. The farmers are very happy, because he got a very big fish and beautiful.

After a few moments staring at the fish catch, the farmer was shocked. It turns out the fish they catch it could talk. "Please do not eat me sir!! Let me live ", shouted the fish. Without much Tanya, fish catch was immediately returned to the water again. After returning the fish to the water, the farmers grew surprised, because the fish suddenly turned into a very beautiful woman.

"Do not worry sir, I will not hurt you," says the fish. "Who are you? Are not you a fish?, Asked the farmer. "I was a princess who was cursed, for violating the rules of the kingdom," the woman replied. "Thanks, you have freed me from the curse, and in return I am willing to make you a wife", she said. Farmers agreed that too. They then become husband and wife. However, there is one promise that has been agreed, that they should not tell the origin of a fish's daughter. If the promise is breached there will be a terrible disaster.

After a while they got married, farmer and his wife finally happiness increases, because the farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. Their child grow into a very handsome boy and powerful, but there are habits that make everyone wonder. The children always feel hungry and never feel full. Devour all the food rations without rest.

Until one day the farmer's son from his mother got a job to deliver food and drinks to the fields where his father was working. But the task is not fulfilled. All meals are supposed to be devoured his father out, and after that he fell asleep in a hut. The farmer waiting for his son, while holding thirsty and hungry. Because hunger does not hold, then he went straight home. On the way home, the farmer saw his son was sleeping in the hut. The farmer immediately wake. "Hey, wake up!, Shouted the farmer.

After her son woke up, the farmer immediately asked his food. "Where food for father?", Tanya farmers. "It is finished I ate", replied the boy. With a high tone was immediately scolded her farmers. "Children do not know diuntung! Not know yourself? Basic fry!," The farmer vituperation unwittingly uttered abstinence from his wife. After farmers say these words, at once lost his wife and children disappeared without a trace and trace. Of former stamping his feet, suddenly very heavy menyemburlah water. Water overflowed very high and wide to form a lake. And eventually form a lake. The lake was eventually known as Lake Toba.

1 komentar:

  1. great story..I planned to be in Lake Toba March 2014.. :D
